Music, Art & Drama MAD Society
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The MAD Society Ink, No.3

welcome 8 inks Sep 11, 2023
how we pursue God's creative handprint in MAD students art awarenes inspiration accountability

Here’s How We Pursue God’s Creative Handprint in MAD Students 

MAD Society is about the process and what the process can produce, not about the performance. MAD should be a safe group for students to make some mistakes and be gently coached through them. 

As Coach, you will need to release your “adult” desires to produce something that will be impressive. If you beam with pride for the creativity and effort, the kids will beam as well, regardless of the quality of your shows. 

My goal for the music/art/drama/production aspect of MAD is to bring art awareness, inspiration, accountability and avenues to use and explore skills (with an eternal purpose as the focal point).  Our goal is not to make pretty things or to kill creativity with boring teaching. As a MAD coach, you are not their teacher, you are their facilitator. 


Darcy, a 16 year old who has learned to create mood boards all on her own, now has a place to display and use this talent as the Student Director of the Dinner Theater skit “The Burglar Alarm.”  She is a gem! 

Every MAD show comes with a questionnaire that each student will fill out to volunteer for MAD Jobs and roles and be given the opportunity to bring something unique they have to offer to the show.  Really push into the idea that hobbies can be utilized in MAD (and are welcomed).

“The EARTH without ART is just EH” ~unknown

Low budget (but very precious) recordings of some of my MAD Society’s performances can be found on YouTube under Bethany Baldwin (Home Sweet HomeStead logo, the name of my farmhouse & barn)

~Bethany Baldwin, Owner & Creator of all things MAD

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